Scope and Objective of Work
- The Sub-bottom profile survey was carried out by covering an area of 600 m X 1500 m @ 60m interval.
- The Sub-bottom profile survey was carried out using GeoPulse sub-bottom profiler. CODA Geosurvey software was adopted for data acquisition.
- The navigation of survey vessel was followed by Hypack Max Hydrographic survey software.
- The seabed investigations carried out through Side scan sonar survey and shallow seismic survey concludes that the seabed is predominantly composed by sedimentary rocks at various thickness and depth.
- The finer sediment particles are scattered and spread on seafloor. An uneven topographical mound is noticed in southern east part of survey area.

Image shows mounted transducer at 1 m below the water surface

Image shows GeoPulse sub-bottom profiler

Image shows data recorder from GeoPulse sub-bottom profiler

Image shows Bathymetry survey at Hooghly survey

Bathymetry of the Hooghly estuary domain considered for the model

Dimensional view of bed level used in the model

Typical computational mesh used for the study

Typical result of siltation study in the estuary
Measured bathymetry chart for Hooghly river