Bathymetry survey, Current Measurement at GHCL, Sutrapada, Gujarat
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Bathymetry survey, perumanal village, Tirunelveli district.
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APPDCL – 2 x 800 MW SDSTPS at Krishnapatnam: Field Monitoring of Shoreline changes and Intake basin for SWIO system
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Bathymetry survey and Geophysical survey at Hooghly River
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Conducting Field Monitoring Programme for Data Collection for the Development of Outer Harbour in Cochin Port
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1 Bathymetry survey at Perumanal, Tirunelveli district. SRM Construction The bathymetry survey has been conducted at Perumanal for the proposed fish landing facility prior to construction. Detailed bed levels are provided at intervals along the centerline of the Breakwater. 1.5 month
Rs. 3,45,000
2 Analysis of the air entrapment profile of a laid outfall pipeline using 3 CFD model IL & FS Tamil Nadu Power Company Limited, IIT Madras ---------- 9 months
Rs. 3,45,000
3 Offshore HDPE pipe laying of effluent treatment at Gandhidham, Gujarat. Patel Construction Company Stability calculation for HDPE pipelines have been performed for Effluent disposal at Gulf of Kutch, Gujarat. These pipelines span from pumping station on the landward end to the marine outfall location. The total length of outfall line is 9 km. The pipeline is to be laid below the seabed with a suitable over burden. In buried pipelines, anchor blocks are needed for sinking the pipeline. However, in the present case, there is high possibility of pipeline being exposed by removal of over burden by current and wave. Hence, stability shall be provided by anchor blocks. The design shall be as per DNV RP-F109. 6 months
Rs. 10,35,000
4 Bathymetrical survey at Periyathalai Sri Pathy Associates The bathymetry survey has been conducted at Peiyathalai for the proposed fish landing facility prior to construction. Detailed bed levels are provided at intervals along the centerline of the Breakwater. 1.5 month
Rs. 3,16,250
5 Field monitoring of Shoreline changes and bathymetry inside the Intake basin for SWIO system at Krishnapatnam, Nellore District Wapcos Limited, IIT Madras Monthly Field monitoring of shoreline and beach profiling 2 km on either side of the training walls (breakwaters) to assess the rate of shoreline evolution for one year duration. Field assessment of the siltation patterns and levels in the intake basin (in between the training walls) and in the mouth portion up to (-) 3m depth with respect to CD or 200m distance from the round head portion of the training wall / groyne to ascertain the siltation in the mouth portion over 1 year period covering the monsoon activity (based on depth measurement). Field assessment of sediment levels and sediment load in the intake basin, intake channel and desilting basin. 3 months
Rs. 8,05,000
6 Study for Bathymetry survey and Borehole Investigation Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd Scope:
1. Nearshore bathymetry upto 5-7m water depth.
2. Borehole investigation at 5 locations. Jan.2015
3 months
Rs. 28,75,000
7 Geophysical and Bathymetry Measurements Hooghly Estuary Kolkata Port Trust, IIT Madras The seabed investigations carried out through Side scan sonar survey and shallow seismic survey concludes that the seabed is predominantly composed by sedimentary rocks at various thickness and depth. The finer sediment particles are scattered and spread on seafloor. An uneven topographical mound is noticed in southern east part of survey area. 3 months
Rs. 16,10,000
8 Conducting mathematical model studies for revalidating the CWPRS studies including data collection for the development of an Outer harbour in Cochin Port. Cochin Port Trust Survey details:
1. Bathymetry study
  a). Inner harbour,
  b). Outer harbour
  c). Munambam to Thottapalli 30 locations
  d). Munambam & Thottapalli mouth
  e). Munambam to Thottapalli every 5km transaction.
2. Wave measurement
  a). Offshore wave measurements
  b). Near shore Wave Measurements using ADCP.
3. Tidal measurements
4. Current Measurements
5. Discharge Measurements
6. Suspended sediment and salinity concentration
7. Bed sediments
8. Beach profiling
9. Littoral Environmental Observation (LEO).
Feb 2016
1 year and 6 months
Rs. 3,91,00,000
9 Bathymetry Monitoring and Current Measurement at GHCL, Sutrapada, Gujarat GHCL, Gujarat. The main scope of survey as follows,
a) Bathymetry survey at GHCL (Covered area 3 X 1 Km, 100m grid), and
b) Observation of current measurement for 7 days at one location.
c) Shoreline monitoring
2 months
Rs. 12,65,000
10 Study for Bathymetry survey at Diglipur, Andaman. MES-Port Blair, IIT Madras The bathymetry survey has been conducted at Diglipur, Andaman. July 2017 1.5 months
Rs. 2,00,600
11 Shoreline management for 4km coastal stretch, Andaman. MES-Port Blair, IIT Madras Shoreline measurement for 4km coastal stretch at Diglipur, Andaman. June 2017 1.5 months
Rs. 2,36,000
12 Bathymetry survey at Thengapattanam fishing harbor. Adani Port, Ahmedabad Bathymetry survey at GHCL (Covered area 1.45 X 0.25 Km, 10m grid interval). 1 month
Rs. 3,54,000
13 Estimation of Capital and Maintenance dredging for proposed berth at Palmarine (i) Estimation capital dredging for Palmarine using bathymetry charts.
(ii) Estimation of siltation levels using hydrodynamics and siltation studies and estimation of maintenance dredging required.
(iii) Finalizing the alignment of channel through model studies.
(iv) Dredging plan and dredge spoil disposal studies for finalizing disposal plans.
Proposal submitted
14 Bathymetry survey using dual frequency echo-sounder at Palmarine Bathymetry surveys for the study area at 30m intervals. The quote includes equipment and manpower and carryout the survey and submission of data / report. Proposal submitted
15 Conducting Hydrographic survey, current and tide measurement at Ratnagiri, Maharashtra IIT Madras Bathymetry survey for 5 Current measurement at one location for 7 days duration Tide measurement for 8 days duration Water sample collection and analysis at 8 locations Topographical survey for 0.26 Mob/Demob charges (Once) Proposal submitted Rs. 7,67,000
16 Pre-Dredging Bathymetry survey at Mormugao Port, Goa IIT Madras Pre-Dredging Bathymetry survey for 3.2 Proposal submitted Rs. 11,80,000
17 Intermediate dredging bathymetry survey at fishing harbour Mookaiyur Sri pathy associates Intermediate dredging bathymetry survey at fishing harbour Mookaiyur Work completed Rs. 4,13,000/-
18 Post-dredging Bathymetry survey at Fishing harbour Mookaiyur Sri pathy associates Post-dredging Bathymetry survey at Fishing harbour Mookaiyur Work completed Rs. 4,13,000/-
19 Pre, Post-dredging Multibeam survey and monitoring at Hooghly river Gangadin Haw & Associates, Kolkata Multibeam survey for study area (for Pre-Dredging). The quote includes equipment, manpower, carryout the survey and submission of data/report. Multibeam survey for study area (for Post-Dredging). The quote includes equipment, manpower, carryout the survey and submission of data/report. For monitoring study 30 days (the quote includes equipment, manpower, carryout the survey and submission of data/report) Rs.60,000/Day Work completed Rs. 33,04,000 + Rs. 3,54,000
60% amount received --
Rs.19,65,600/- 40% (Rs.13,21,600) balance payment invoice sent on 14.02.2019
20 Current and Tide measurements at Haldia Port, West Bengal Kolkata Port Trust Current measurement for 3 days using Valeport single point current meter Tide measurement for 3 days Mobilisation and Demobilisation charges Proposal submitted on 26.11.2018 Rs. 5,90,000
21 Bathymetry survey at GHCL, Sutrapda, Gujarat GHCL, Gujarat Bathymetry survey at area of 5km Work completed Rs. 7,08,000
22 Bathymetry surveying and volume estimation for Pondicherry Port channel it includes logistics IIT Madras Bathymetry Surveying and volume estimation for Pondicherry Port channel it includes logistics Work completed Rs. 2,36,000
23 Interim-Dredging Bathymetry Survey and Volume estimation in Pondicherry Port Channel IIT Madras Interim-Dredging Bathymetry Survey and Volume estimation in Pondicherry Port Channel Work completed Rs. 2,36,000
24 Post-Dredging Bathymetry Survey and Volume estimation in Pondicherry Port Channel IIT Madras Post-Dredging Bathymetry Survey and Volume estimation in Pondicherry Port Channel Work completed Rs. 2,36,000
25 Post-Dredging Bathymetry Survey and Volume estimation in Pondicherry Port Channel IIT Madras Post-Dredging Bathymetry Survey and Volume estimation in Pondicherry Port Channel Work completed Rs. 2,36,000
26 Design, Fabrication, Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Testing and Training for the Laboratory wave generating system including electrical and mechanic components NIT Trichy Design, Fabrication, Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Testing and Training for the Laboratory wave generating system including electrical and mechanic components Work completed - 2019 Rs. 45,50,000 without GST
27 Remote Triggered & Monitoring Second Order Ocean Wave Profile Generator System NIT K, Surathkal Remote Triggered & Monitoring Second Order Ocean Wave Profile Generator System Work completed - 2020 Rs. 89,50,000 without GST
28 Hammer Head A to Z Exim Hammer Head -- 30 x 15 Mtr (can be reduced if required, but don't need any larger), the Hammer head has to be of minimum such size that 19 Ft vehicle can turn there. 120 Mtr Long Bund (with slope on either side -- Bund will also serve as breakwater) 5 Mtr Road on top of 120 Mtr Long Bund Work completed -- 2022 Rs. 25,00,000 without GST
29 Consultancy charges for Hydraulic Behaviour Or Coastal Waters at the Existing Outfall Location Hubert Enviro Care Systems Private Limited 1. Hydraulic Behaviour Or Coastal Waters at the Existing Outfall Location.
2. Predict Flow Condition Considering Discharge of Effluent.
3. Dispersion Modelling for Different Seasons with Diffusion for BOD.
4. Modelling Report Showing the Existing Location for Discharge with Diffusion Factors.
Coastal Waters at Andhra Pradesh Modelling Study - Lat. Long of Discharge Location, Bathymetry, Tide and Current Data, Meterology Data, Quantity and Quality of Discharge will be provided by client.
Work Completed - 2022 Rs. 9,44,000
30 Providing advisory consultancy service as a Climate Change Expert for the Project - "Preparation of Integrated Blue Economy & Coastal Resilience Vision Master Plan for the entire shore in Nagapattinam District and DPR for development of two Beaches in Nagapattinam District"- PDC - XII under ADB assisted TNUIFP T3 Samanea Consultancy Private Limited Task 1: For the preparation of the detailed master plan, your support is required in providing relevant data and studies for the tasks outlined below, as well as reviewing the works undertaken by our team as per the Terms of Reference (TOR):
a. Shoreline Assessment and Site Selection: Review assessment conducted by sponge team on datasets collected from NCCR on Shoreline Change and Anna University on SLR modeling and provide inputs to sponge team for selecting beach sites for tourism development and coastal restoration (Shoreline extents: Nagore to Kodiyakarai).
b. Climate Resilience Report: Review the climate risk assessment report and provide comments on proposed climate adaptation strategies for RCP 4.5 scenario (0.07m - 0.5m SLR).
Task 2: For the preparation of the detailed project report, we will organize a site visit to examine the candidate sites selected for the DPR to obtain your field notes from the perspective of coastal dynamics and schedule strategic review meetings to obtain comments on the coastal interventions within the DPR as it evolves.
Ongoing Rs. 9,44,000
31 Setting up of wave flume facility at Theni SIPCOT Complex Indomer Coastal Hydraulics (P) Ltd. 1. Master plan preparation for the laboratory facility.
2. Specification of the wave flume dimensions and requirements.
3. Design, development and installation of the wave makers at the site.
4. Integration of the IITM WaveGen V1.1 software with the wavemaker controllers.
5. Providing advices on the procurement of the instruments for the measurements of the waves.
Ongoing Rs. 1,12,10,000