State of the art Wave Flume Facility Inaugurated at Dept of Civil, NIT, Tiruchirappalli | |
Tiruchirappalli, 28.01.2021: National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli has inducted the State of the art Wave Flume Facility in the Department of Civil Engineering. The Wave Flume Facility is one of its own kind available next to IIT Madras and was inaugurated by Dr. Mini Shaji Thomas, Director, NIT-T on 26th January 2021, during the 72nd Republic Day celebrations. The other dignitaries present were Dr. M. Umapathy, Registrar(i/C), Dr. G. Swaminathan, HoD/Civil Engineering, and Dr. R. Manjula, Facility Initiator, Civil Engg. Department, NIT-T.During the inauguration, Director NIT-T had witnessed the demonstration of different types of wave generation. The Wave Flume Facility (30m long, 1m wide, and 1.2m Height) was constructed at a cost of Rs. 69 Lakhs and this new facility would facilitate world-leading research and innovation in the field of offshore and coastal engineering. The wave flume lab can simulate regular, random, Cnoidal, Solitary, and focusing waves which unlocks a wide range of testing of waves’ impact on built and natural environments. Apart from research scholars, all UG and PG students can also access the unique testing facility. Most importantly, it will provide opportunities to develop innovative and unique engineering solutions to grow the blue economy. |